Application for APHRC Internship 2024 vacancies has been scheduled to start in early March till 20th March, 2024. Eligible candidates who have the interest in this training opportunity are to immediately proceed to apply. 

Prior to proceeding to submit your application, it is necessary to get prepared, in other words, be eligible to avoid an unsuccessful application. 

This guide highlights the eligibility for APHRC Internship 2024, so spare a few minutes of your time to get through the details and fully get equipped for this opportunity.

APHRC Internship Application Form 2024

APHRC Internship application form for the 2024/2025 session is out. The form is made accessible on the official online board (website) of the The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC).

For easy application guidelines, we advise that you continue to read through to know more about this internship program before sending your application.

APHRC Internship Opportunities (Projects) 2024

There are several opportunities awaiting for you at this 2024 internship program and below are some of the projects which the The African Population and Health Research Center is looking forward to work on in program –

  • Project 1: Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) and General Research and Related Capacity Strengthening (RRCS) Division’s Administrative Support Aspects
  • Project 2: The Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, Safe lives (DREAMS)
  • Project 3: Kenya Multisite Integrated Surveillance (KEMIS) project
  • Project 4: Blantyre Prevention Strategy (BPS) project
  • Project 5: Challenging the Politics of Social Exclusion (CPSE): National Sanitation Policy project
  • Project 6: The East Africa Community (EAC) Pandemic Preparedness project
  • Project 7: PROMOTE
  • Project 8: Safe Choice 2.0
  • Project 9: Big idea_ Understanding infertility and its effects on sexual and reproductive health and well-being among women and men in Africa
  • Project 10: Kenya Abortion Study (KAS)

Who Is Eligible For APHRC Internship 2024?

You must have either completed a bachelor’s degree or ongoing or completed master’s degree in any of the following areas: Population Studies/Demography, Statistics, Epidemiology, Economics, Social Sciences, or related discipline to be eligible.

Requirements for APHRC Internship 2024

  • Applicant must excel significantly in quantitative and qualitative analytical skills.
  • He or she must be citizen of any African countries in sub-Saharan.
  • Your presence must be available when needed even though the program will be be hybrid.

APHRC Internship 2024 Application Procedures

As an eligible candidate, you can proceed to apply by completing APHRC short online survey. Thereafter, prepare a PDF file including the following –

  • Curriculum vitae (2 pages max)
  • Required Academic Certificate and other supporting certificates if any
  • 1-2 letters of recommendation (each 1-page max. One of them must be from an/once an academic supervisor)

The PDF indicate “2024 INTERNSHIP” in the subject line of the email and sent to the address:

hence you are expected to submit a compete application no later than 20th March, 2024.

Application Deadline of APHRC Internship 2024

Late applications or incomplete applications will be rejected, hence you are expected to submit a compete application no later than 25th June 2024.

The Internship Duration

APHRC Internship 2024 is set to hold for a period of 3 – 6 months. The program will start on March down to the due date it is scheduled to end.

Is APHRC Internship 2024 Paid? 

There is no fixed payment for APHRC Internship 2024. However, the The African Population and Health Research Center might make provision for accommodation to disable applicants upon request to support their participation in the program.

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